Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Symptoms Of Drug Use

Symptoms The Excessive Use of Drugs
1. Opiates (heroin, morphine, marijuana)
- Feelings of pleasure and happiness
- Indifference (apathy)
- Lazy to move
- Sleepy
- Nausea
- Slurred speech
- Pupils narrowed (widened if overdose)
- Impairment of attention / memory

2. Marijuana
- A sense of fun and happy
- Relaxed and weak
- Indifferent
- Red eyes
- Increased appetite
- Dry mouth
- Self-control are less
- Frequent yawning / sleepy
- Lack of concentration
- Depression

3. Amphetamines (methamphetamine, ecstasy)
- Increased vigilance
- Passionate
- Feeling happy, happy
- Dilated pupils
- Pulse and blood pressure increase
- Difficult to sleep / insomnia
- Loss of appetite

4. Cocaine
- Rapid heartbeat
- Psychomotor agitation / restlessness
- Euphoria / excitement over
- Increased self-esteem
- A lot of talk
- Increased vigilance
- Seizures
- Pupil (pupil) widened
- Increased blood pressure
- Sweats / chills
- Nausea / vomiting
- Easy fight
- Psychosis
- Bleeding of brain blood
- Blockage of blood vessels
- Horizontal nystagmus / eyes move uncontrollably
- Dystonia (neck muscle stiffness)

5. Alcohol
- Slurred speech
- Stagger
- Facial redness
- A lot of talk
- Irritability
- Concentration problems
- Breath smells of alcohol

6. Benzodiazepines (pills Nipam, BK, mogadon)
- Slurred speech
- Stagger
- Facial redness
- A lot of talk
- Irritability
- Concentration problems

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