Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stages Of Drug Abuse

In the case of use of the drugs used for momentary pleasure that stage with a tiered drug abuse in specific patterns, among others namely :

1. Stage of trial and error 

Initially only pengin know and show greatness. At least not continuing this stage. But, there are a few of us who go into the process more "sophisticated". 

2. Occasionally or regularly use 

Partly after the stage of trial and error and then resume the use of psychoactive thusbecome part of everyday life. However, since the use of these materials is still limited, there is no fundamental changes experienced by users. They stayed in school activities and doingother. 

3. addiction 

At this stage the frequency, type, and dose used increases, including increasing the use ofmaterials with a high risk of impaired physical, mental, and social clearly.This phase is often called a critical stage because there is a real danger. However, insome users (with help) can still be stopped at this stage. 

4. dependence 

Is the extreme form of addiction, and efforts to obtain the use of psychoactive substances on a regular basis is a major activity of daily beat all other activities, physical condition, mental deterioration andpersistent, life has lost meaning. State of a particular drug users always have to be able to function fairly, both physically and psychologically. Physical dependence, for example, the body becomes weak and painful joints when not using thedrug within a certain period. Psychological dependence is shown by the presence notfeeling confident in everyday life if you do not use drugs. 

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