Friday, March 1, 2013

What Rehabs Are Like - For Recovery and Treatment

What Rehabs Are Like - For Recovery and Treatment

Hello Fellow Recovering Alcoholics/Addicts out there.

David L. here ( I am a recovering Alcoholic/Addict myself

I am going to explain a little bit of what to expect if or when you decide that a Rehab is the thing that you need to do. So, please read this article and understand what I am about to write.  :)

Rehab Recovery

Before Reading This Article, I Would Like to Recommend Visiting These 4 Sites Below:


I, David L., have been to 5 Rehabs in my 43 years of life thus far. The 1st few, I was sort of forced to go to them by my parents just to satisfy them. I love my parents whom are approaching their 80's and really do not want to cause any more stress and worrying for them. 
The 1st first 4 Treatment Rehabs were just for this cause that i just mentioned above, to satisfy my parents but the 5th and hopefully final Rehab I went to was all for me and no one else. 

You would figure eventually that by going to just one rehab you would finally get the message and hint on why you are there in the first place but that did not come to me as easily as others.

It was the 5th Rehab that i wanted to go to and actually participate in every meeting ,session, and share many personal things that i never did in the previous 4 Rehabs!
If you are an "Alcoholic/Addict" and never have been to a treatment rehab facility, and you are also out of control with your addiction, I highly recommend to get to one. 

If you don't have insurance, do not let that stop you because there are many Rehabs out there who will take you there for FREE. One Rehab i went to was just that... "Free".. the only thing to be concerned about if you have no insurance is that you may have to wait a few weeks to get in because most of these Rehabs which are free have a waiting list.

Yeah, that sucks, but guess what?, if you can manage your addiction after researching some free rehabs ( hopefully close to your area) once you are accepted and they have a bed open for you, Jump immediately on that opportunity to get the treatment you really need.

So, With that said, let me explain some things that usually occur when you get into a rehab. some are different than others.

Some have different agendas and programs then others. With that said, below are some things to expect from either a FREE Rehab Treatment Center or one that you insurance will cover.

***NOTE***  If you have a job, a steady job that you think that will interfere with going to a rehab and loosing your job, there is one important thing to remember: ***

Most companies, as long as you are honest with them, tell a manager or someone higher up in the chain of command that you have an issue with addiction, most companies will  allow you to go to a rehab and still keep you job when you get back. This happens more each day and happens to be not such a problem now days.

So, Get Into A Rehab!


      Things to Expect in Rehab Treatment Facilities:

  *Chemical dependency education
  *Prescription drug, heroin and alcohol detox
  *Family and group therapy
  *Addiction counseling
  *Psychiatric and psychological care

  Most drug rehabs and inpatient alcohol treatment centers are committed to helping you attain lasting sobriety.

    You should expect some of the following:
The First Stop - Detox

 Some residential rehab facilities have their own in-house detoxification programs, but more centers today are requiring clients to complete detox prior to entering their facilities. In other words, you may need to get clean and sober before you can even enter rehab.
 The trend today is to have you go through the withdrawal process at a facility that specializes in dealing with drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Typically, this done on a short-term, five to seven days, inpatient basis.


  Education is the core component of all treatment and rehab programs. It may vary from facility to facility, but generally the process is aimed at getting you to look at your addiction honestly and realistically, and change your attitude about your drug and alcohol use.

  In the early stages of recovery, most alcoholics or addicts may still be holding on to some denial about the seriousness of their problem or may be ambivalent about quitting drugs and alcohol for good.

Treatment programs try to break through that denial and ambivalence to try to get you to commit to a clean and sober lifestyle.

  Typically, you will learn about the nature of alcoholism and the dynamics of addiction, the effects drugs and alcohol have on your body and the consequences if you continue to use.

Counseling and Group Therapy

 During your rehab, you'll probably receive individual counseling with a trained addictions counselor and you'll possibly participate daily in group therapy meetings with others at the facility.

 These sessions are designed to begin to teach you the skills that you will need to live life without drugs and alcohol. You will learn how to recognize situations in which you are most likely to drink or use drugs and how to avoid these circumstances if possible.

You will learn new coping skills.
 The group sessions are designed to teach you the value of seeking support from others who are undergoing the equal experiences and challenges that you are.

In some facilities, these group sessions may be actual twelve step meetings. In other facilities, they may be facilitated by staff members.

Family Meetings

Many successful drug and alcohol rehab programs will include members of your family in your treatment syllabus. Inquiry has shown that admitting family and friends in the educational process significantly betters rehab outcomes.

Some programs include family members and friends throughout the entire rehab process, from the initial assessment through continued follow-up aftercare.

In the family meetings, your family members will learn about the moral force of dependency, learn to distinguish durabilities and resourcefulness to assist in  furthering your recovery, discuss how they've been affected by your substance abuse and learn how they also can begin to heal their own wounds.

Many rehab facilities require family members to attend Al-Anon meetings if they want to visit you while you are in treatment, to learn how they may have been enabling you and contributing to the problem with their actions and reactions to your substance abuse.
Aftercare Program

 The typical residential drug and alcohol rehab program will last about twenty-eight days, sometimes longer, during which you are in a structured environment where no drugs are alcohol are available.

Then what? What happens when you have to leave the relative safety of the facility and go back into the real world?

Successful rehab programs have a strong aftercare program plan designed to meet your individual needs.

By now your counselor probably knows you well and will suggest the next steps to take based on where you are on your recovery journey.

Your aftercare plan may include intensive outpatient treatment, residence at a halfway house, attendance at 12 step meetings, weekly check-ins with your counselor and other suggestions to help you avoid the situations and triggers that might cause you to relapse.

For all of you wishing to get into a Rehab or Treatment Facility, I hope this article helped in some way.
Thank You For Reading This   David L. (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

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