Monday, March 18, 2013

Crack ! What Crack Does to You !

Crack ! What Crack Does to You !

Hello, David L. Here (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

People often mistake Crack and Cocaine as two separate drugs. Even though they are,  Crack is more highly addictive than Cocaine! 

For starters, let us start out with what Crack Cocaine is:

What is Crack Cocaine ?

Crack Cocaine

After doing some research,  Crack is broken down to:  2-beta-carbomethoxyl-3-beta-benoxytropane. Crack is a crystallized state of cocaine that's gone through a certain chemical change and it's considered that the name comes from the "cracking" sounds it makes when smoking the drug.

Crack is to be considered highly addictive. I have lived with people both Rehab, Detox and Oxford House Situations where there true addiction was Crack Cocaine. I have heard so many horror stories about just how addicting crack can be.

What is Smoking Crack?

Smoking crack is a method used to in-take the drug crack. It is the most popular method and is usually smoked via a pipe or water pipe. However, there are other methods of smoking crack. Scraping off the residue from the pipes and inhaling or smoking it ( usually with a brillo pad) can be done or even injecting it.

What are the short-term effects of Crack Cocaine?

Crack Cocaine causes a short-lived, acute high that's instantly accompanied by the opposition— intense depression, uneasiness and a lusting for more of the drug. Addicts who use it often do not eat or sleep properly or at all while they are smoking Crack Cocaine.

This can last for days. They can experience greatly increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. The drug can make people feel paranoiac, furious, hostile and apprehensive— even when they are not high.

No matter of how much of the drug is used or how oftentimes, crack cocaine increases the risk that the user will experience a heart attack, stroke, seizure or respiratory (breathing) failure, any of which can result in sudden immediate death.

Smoking Crack Cocaine additionally demonstrates a series of health hazards. Crack Cocaine is often mixed with other substances and nasty chemicals that can be extremely toxic when burned, inhaled.

As Crack Cocaine smoke doesn't stay powerful for long, crack pipes are generally very short. This often causes cracked and blistered lips, known as “crack lip,” from users having a very hot pipe pressed against their lips.

What are the long-term effects of crack cocaine?

In addition to the common risks affiliated with cocaine use, Crack Cocaine users may experience severe respiratory problems, including coughing, shortness of breath, lung damage and bleeding.

Long-term effects from use of crack cocaine include severe damage to the heart, liver and kidneys. Drug users are more probable to have infectious diseases.

Smoking Crack Cocaine on a daily use causes sleep loss and loss of appetite, resulting in malnutrition and getting sick more easily. Smoking crack cocaine also can cause aggressive and paranoid behavior.

As crack cocaine interferes with the way the brain processes chemicals, one needs progressively so much more of the drug just to feel “normal.”  (Similar to Heroin) Those who become addicted to crack cocaine (as with most additional drugs) lose interest in other areas of life.

Coming down from the drug causes severe depression, which becomes worse and worse after each use. This can get so hard that a person will do almost anything to get the drug— even commit murder. That's how crazy this shit is folks! And if he or she can not get crack cocaine, the depression can get so intense it can drive the addict to suicide.


Because it's usually almost smoked every time used, the effects of crack cocaine are more immediate and more intense than that of powdered cocaine.
Loss of appetite
Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature
Contracted blood vessels
Increased rate of breathing
Dilated pupils
Disturbed sleep patterns
Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior
Hallucinations, hyper excitability, irritability
Tactile hallucination that creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin
Intense euphoria
Anxiety and paranoia
Intense drug craving
Panic and psychosis
Convulsions, seizures and sudden death from high doses


Permanent damage to blood vessels of ear and brain, high blood pressure, leading to heart attacks, strokes and death
Liver, kidney and lung damage
Severe chest pains
Respiratory failure
Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
Malnutrition, weight loss
Severe tooth decay
Auditory and tactile hallucinations
Sexual problems, reproductive damage and infertility (for both men and women)
Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion
Irritability and mood disturbances
Increased frequency of risky behavior
Delirium or psychosis
Severe depression
Tolerance and addiction

Folks, this stuff is the real deal of scary stuff out there in the drug world! Stay away from it if you can!

And, if you are addicted, please try and call someone to "Drag your Ass" to a Rehab"..  It WILL ruin YOU !

Monday, March 11, 2013

Depression - Is it Causing You to Relapse ?

Depression - Is it Causing You to Relapse ?

Hello, David L. Here (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

Those who suffer from depression sometimes risk experiencing a relapse, especially if the depression episode was severe and lasted for a long period.

Depression and Recovery Treatment

Some people recovering from Depression may feel overwhelmed or scared by the idea of being independent. Others may begin to lose interest in their normal routine and daily activities. Continue reading to learn about the effective ways to prevent a relapse of depression.

Many of us Relapse and begin using drugs or alcohol again. It is a very difficult time ,stage, environment and subject to defend against.

Relapses happen many times during recovery and I , David L. can tell you I have relapsed many, many times before I started to get it right!

I know it is easier said then done but if you feel like your going to use again and want to, please call someone , anyone, who is on your side that can hopefully talk you out of using.

With me being very stubborn, I Never wanted to call or even see anyone for help when I felt like I was going to relapse. I know, it is sick! but many addicts out there can totally agree with me. When you want to use, you will find a way to use! Period!

The last thing on most addicts minds is calling someone to talk them out of it, especially if they are in early recovery.
So, What do you do then?

The number one reason for relapse is usually Depression. Not just any kind of Depression but the kind where you are actually Depressed not ever being able to use or drink again!  

Below are some suggestions that may help because it really is up to you to make that choice if you are going to use again and relapse and have to start all the way over from the beginning again which is never fun.

We are talking about, family, friends, loved ones who eventually find out and then after they find out, you feel even more Depressed because that you "USED AGAIN" and you are probably thinking that they are never going to speak to you again because you "Just Cant Get It"...

It is the worst feeling I can truly tell you fellow addicts. To start over all the way from the beginning and erase all of that "Clean Time" you once had. It Totally SUCKS!!
Below are some suggestions to control or eliminate a Possible Relapse:
Remember, most of the time someone Relapses is due to Depression, so , just check out the following ideas to battle this below:

1. If You Are in Treatment, Continue Your Depression Treatment.

Schedule regular sessions with a advocate or therapist to prevent a relapse or future sequences of depression.

Take prescribed medications for the period advised by your doctor. This may be between 6 months and a year after an episode or for several years with antidepressants.

Don't break off your medication shortly after your depression ends, because you'll be more probable to go through a relapse.

2. Carry Out Exercises That Center on Positivity.

Perform actions that interest you and make you happy, such as visiting friends or working on your favorite hobby.
Make daily lists of things in life you're thankful for to battle negative feelings.

Seek Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is depression Treatment that helps you center on improving your frame of mind and a more favorable outlook on life.

3. Exercise on A Regular Basis

To release endorphins, which will aid in triggering positive and energetic feelings.

Execute physical exercise for at the least twenty mins per day by walking, running or performing any other type of activity you enjoy.

4. Acquire Healthy Sleeping Habits.

Keep a consistent sleeping schedule to help regenerate your brain chemicals and regulate your mood.

Sleep for at the least eight hours--or as long as you need to--in order to wake up fully freshened up in the morning.

5. Consume A Healthy, Balanced Diet.

Consume low-fat diets that include lots of fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts and whole grains to naturally boost your mood and overall mentality.

6. Modify the Way You Cope With Stress.

Cope with problems at once instead of putting them off to prevent your stress level from increasing.

Wait until you feel comfortable with the situation before making big, life-changing decisions.

 Don't waste time flirting with what you could have done differently before your depression or blame yourself for past actions you can't change.

7. Confide in, and Spend Time With, Friends and Family.

Spend time with people that make you feel better about yourself to help reconstruct your self-pride.

8. Join A Support Group.

Support group members can assist you by sharing their effective methods and advice on managing depression.

You'll be able to join a support group pitched toward the type of depression you have, such as bipolar disorder or postpartum depression.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ways of Overcoming That "Itch" to Use Drugs and Drink Alcohol

Ways of Overcoming That "Itch" to Use Drugs and Drink Alcohol

urge to use drugs and alcohol

David L. here ( Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)
Let's face it fellow Drug and Alcohol users whether in Recovery or still Using!  Let me start out with the one's out there who are STILL using drugs or alcohol.
( For some reason, I feel like I always have to include both the terms "Drugs Users and Alcoholics" because there are still people out there today, that use to use drugs think it's ok to drink here and there!)

If you really would like to recover 100% from Drugs and Alcohol, you must not do either one! You'll just be substituting one for another!. (never a good idea, in my opinion!)

I had a friend a few years ago who lived with me and 11 others in what is called an "Oxford House".. (For those who do not know what this is, it is a place to stay with people in Recovery, with rules of course, like urine tests each week, job duties etc..)

Anyway, he was a Heroin Addict and over about 8 to 9 months living in the house, he decided it was time for him to go elsewhere and that he was ready to start all over again, from the bottom up to become a Non-drug user.

It was hard not to believe him because he went to the weekly A.A.and N.A Meetings, required to go to 4 a Week, that was one of the serious  Oxford House's Rules you can't break. That is how disciplined the house rules were. 

Ok, so he abided by all the rules while living in the house, contributed many times during the meetings both giving the meetings and speaking and talking and always giving positive comments!

He followed every rule in the Oxford House, be in no latter than 11pm. (Unless work Interfered with this), he did his weekly chores assigned during house group meetings which we had one to two times a week.

So, when he left, we all thought he would not only stay away from heroin, stay clean and sober, but find a brand new life with a complete positive attitude.

Well, unfortunately , he did not! It is sad to say that a couple of months later, the house received a call saying that they found him dead and overdosed from Heroin under a bridge somewhere in Philadelphia.

We all at the house, of course, were very sad about this because we loved this guy and truly believed it would work out for him once he left.

Soon after, we called the family from the house to give our condolences and discovered that he was doing well for some time, he decided to drink with some old buddies, (and here is the key to all of this)

It eventually led him back to using Heroin which eventually killed him!

You, see folks, this is a perfect example of why you must stay 100% clean and sober if you want to survive Recovery. Unfortunately, some people in recovery disagree with me about this subject, and unfortunately, that is the way their addictive personalities come out. 

People with addictions offten find that it is no big deal to drink, and that a couple of beers or shots will be fine because they think they are not sniffing pills, or shooting up Heroin.
I know this from exinking too clearly anymore. So, I started using drugs and drinking at the same time! A very, very horrible mix! 
Ok, lets get down to what the article title says "Some possible ways to overcome that urge or nasty itch that will come your way"  whether your new in recovery or have been in Treatment or still using today, now.

What is the most beneficial defense mechanism to avoid these urges to use?

Preventing relapse by managing urges to use is very possible. ?

When you're early in recovery and you're furious or baffled, it may seem like there's no shake off to the what is called "the itch to use"... or that they'll never disappear completely. ?

You may feel like you're fighting a losing battle, and that the urge to use your drug of choice will always be present.
Do not ever give up especially if you really want to quit! You have to want to quit in order for any of this advice will work for and with you during your Recovery!

Here is how the process of overcoming those so called "Itches" worked for me. ?  I'm sure it can work for anyone else as well, if they're relentless sufficiency on carrying out these ideas:

1) Get detoxed in a safe environment.

I started with this and I do not really see how it could have worked any other way, for me at least. ? I was heavily addicted to alcohol and certain kinds of drugs at the time and if I tried to go a day without drinking then I wouldn't even be able to sleep. ? Period. ?

So my body needed the alcohol physically. !

If you are anywhere near this point then I strongly suggest that you seek out a medical detox. ?

Other drugs are similar stories. ? If you're physically addicted to a chemical then seek medical help for the detox process. ? If you don't, then you're just making it harder on yourself, and maybe a lot more life-threatening, too.

2) Seek professional help AFTER detox.

It is not enough, in my belief, to just get physically detoxed from drugs or alcohol. ?

You require help beyond that. ? For the majority of most people this will be in the form of either short term rehab, twelve step meetings, or possibly out patient therapy or counseling. ?

Any of these options might or may not help you, but avoiding all of them is probably a mistake. ?

 Evaluate your success in early Recovery established by results only. ?

If you use drugs or alcohol, then your approach flunked, and you should try something different (and more intense) then following time.

3) look for long full term Treatment or ongoing care of some class.

I was never willing to do this much until I got very despairing to stay clean and sober. ? For me, long term Rehab was necessary and 100% called for to overcome the urges that would have caused me to relapse!

 I remember crumbling and ramming down my fists into my bed in long term rehab, ragged by both fears and tears, and believing that I'd never be happy in my life without drugs and alcohol. ?

If I hadn't been in treatment during those urges, I'd have, for certain, relapsed. ? Long term treatment enabled me to get past my strongest urges to use.

4) formulate a holistic advance to your recovery as you move on in your sobriety.

This is vital in the long run! Self-complacency kills! (always remember this)  If you get lazy in your long term travel, you'll, sooner or later, pick back up and use again. ? In order to overcome this possibility, you need a proactive approach to taking positive action in your life! 

A holistic approach means that you try to grow in many different areas of your lifetime.
For instance, have you ever considered fitness. ? 

 You get into shape. ?  You exercise more often than you once did both making your body much stronger and healthier but also speeding up the process of detoxifying your body from all of those toxins that stay inside your body for some time!
You quit smoking! hopefully and eventually which is another Addiction itself. 

You may attempt  to look for spiritual growth. ? Maybe you go back to church some day. ? Maybe not. ? Maybe you start meditating. ? Whatever. ?

The point is that you keep pushing yourself to learn and to grow in new areas. ? If you stay stuck in early recovery maneuvers then you limit your ability to grow in long term Recovery.

Overcoming urges to use comes naturally to someone who continuously pushes himself to grow in recovery. Again all of you interested in starting Recovery or who are in Recovery Treatment of some kind, It is always up to you and no one else who decides you next move.

Just Do It !

Just Do it Today, not tomorrow and start to really enjoy the feeling and real happiness of what it feels like to not be dependant on any kind of drug!

I guarantee after some time, ( it is different for everyone) but you will start to see who is in control of both you mind and body, and you will eventually realize that it is YOU and not the drugs who dictate how you are going to face or feel the next day.
And to end this article, please, take Recovery one day at a time!

Do not rush your Recovery and Treatment!..

Just wake up clean and sober, get to a meeting, and love yourself for doing what you have longed to do for a long time!

Thank You For Reading This Article and I really Hope It Helped You Out Somehow!

David L. (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rehab or Treatment - Still Confused ?

Rehab or Treatment - Still Confused ?

Hello fellow Recovering addicts or Alcoholic or non - revering addict and alcoholics.
David L. here ( Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

I want you to understand that whether or not you are in a Rehab or are considering getting into some sort of Treatment program, I have been there! Both recovering and non-recovering (still using but curious) ...

Rehab or Treatment

I am writing this article straight from my heart, with no interruptions, no research, Nothing What so Ever! This article is coming straight from my true experiences at all but from my own straight shitty situations.

I have been in your shoes before. Rehab sounds like a very "Scary" word and the same for treatment. It took me many, many times to finally get into a Rehab Treatment Facility.

There've been many times where I would just say " F . YOU" to anyone that got in my way. I almost once said it to my parents but did not, and I am so greatful that I didn't because my Father would have kicked me out of the house and I would have been Homeless!

Just Get Your ASS Into Some Sort of Program Involving Treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really hope this article gets your diluted, disturbed, druged or drunk Ass into a program!

Even though my Parents, Friends, and loved ones encouraged me to get help and get into some sort of Rehab or Treatment facility, I still would not listen to them and decided to try and figure this all out on my own.

What I tried was what I personally call: "The DO IT ON YOUR OWN" fix yourself plan.

Do you know how many times I have tried this plan?... More than 20 if I can recall all of my efforts. And Guess what?... Non of them ever worked out!

I eventually started to drink and use again which did nothing more than bring me back down into the "Gutter" I was originally in.

The thing I can tell you is that you have a choice! You ALWAYS have a choice to get help in a Rehab or Treatment center, EVEN if you have NO INSURANCE!  to bring you to another article I have written about called: ( how to get into a Rehab with Zero Insurance"...( this link below: )

But, in the long run, the choice is ALWAYS YOU! ... You have to WANT to quit whatever drug or addiction you do. NO ONE can make you change or get the Treatment you need.
Even your own family!

Yes, you may be going to A. A. or N. A. meetings, even have a sponsor, but it will ALWAYS be up to you for making that decision to get help. 

 I am 43 years old now. If I could have looked into my future through a crystal ball,  If I knew the help and treatment and knowledge that was out there, I would have immediately got help ASAP P.     no questions asked!

My problem was that I was so stubborn and thought that I can do this by myself, Never worked in the 1st place! But most of us whether in recovery, or still addicted to some sort of drug or alcohol, never seem to accept the fact that we are ADDICTS!.. 

The crazy thing is even if you know deep in you heart that you are an addict of drugs or alcohol, your crazy mind set tells you different most of the times! What I mean by this is that you are 100% powerless over your addiction! You Need Help Now!

It finally took me years of my life to get into my 1st Rehab Facility because I thought that i really did not have that big of a deal of a problem.

It was like I had a split personality. One of my personalities said to "Keep Drinking and Using" and the other said "You Need Help..NOW".. and I know that this has happened to you  at one time or another! And if not, you WILL eventually reach this point of the Possitive or Negative way to go.

In this situation, which I know many of you can relate to, of course, the worst half of my personality told me to continue using. It was almost like having the Devil inside my brain. 

 Yes, It was like the Devil was controlling me but what it was in true reality was my Addiction controlling me!

My Addiction was not only in totally control of my life but it was making the most ridiculous choices and decisions I have ever made to continue using! 

 Sounds like Insanity yes, by the way, in Websters Dictionary is defined as:   ..." Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ? ...
Crazy.. Huh..? ...  "

I will totally admit that I was at one point in my life "Insane".. !  I was so out of control of my addiction that I tried so many different things just to continue using. Some I can not even mention here right now on this site!

To end this article, I have to tell all of you that are still suffering to Please get help now!...

I do not care what age you are, just get to a Rehab or Treatment facility as soon as possible because I am hoping that this article will give you that "Kick in the Ass" that you need.

As the say: 

" Just Do It ! "

Once you are into a Rehab Treatment facility, (hopefully for no less than 30 days) when you get out, you will see how awesome it is being sober and clean.
Remember, it is up to you! You know what you have to do.


and if you do not, I am sorry to say that you will lose everything in your life! Your Family, Friend, and Loved Ones! It may not happen right away but eventually it will HAPPEN.

Please, Get HELP!

Thank You for reading this article from David L. (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)....

Begin Again - Poem From an Unknown Author

Begin Again - Poem From an Unknown Author

This poem came from an "Unknown Author" but I have to give credit to the website page I received this from: Here is that page:


Hello There! I Am David L. (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)
I found this poem on the above website and thought that it was a perfect poem for this Website "
Recovery From Alcohol Drugs"...

I don't know what it is about poems, especially poems about Recovery, Treatment, and anything to do with Addiction to any drug out there including alcohol in which many do not realize it is just as much of a drug as any out there!

Withdrawing from Alcohol can be a very serious problem and you can actually die if you do not get the proper Treatment. Please, as always, I am a recovering alcoholic and addict but alcohol was my primary drug that I used.

Believe me, in my 43 years of life, I have had some of the worst withdrawals from alcohol which required immediate medical care, including an ambulance to take me to the nearest hospital.

Never try to Detox on your own! Do not be afraid to go to a hospital. Trust me, they will help you and give you the proper medication that you need to Recover and Withdrawal safely !

And always remember, going to a Rehab is an awesome thing to do! I've been to 5 so far, but it took me 5 Rehabs to finally understand how important and precious my health and life was. My family, friends and loved ones!

Just NEVER be afraid to get into a Rehab!!!
It May be the Best Decision of Your Life!!!

Enjoy The Poem Below !   :)

Begin Again
One of the best things we can do in our lives is
Begin again
Begin to see yourself as you were when you were the happiest
Begin to remember what worked for you and what worked against you
Begin to try and re-capture the magic that is life
Begin to live a lifetime each day as you did when you were a child
Begin to forget your baggage, the problems that don't matter anymore, the tears that cried themselves away, and the worries that are going to wash away on the shore of tomorrow’s new beginning
Tomorrow tells us it will be here every new day of our lives
If we are wise, we will turn away from the problems of the past
And give the future and ourselves a chance to become the best of friends
Sometimes all it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself
Begin again
- Author Unknown

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gambling Addiction Problem - Do You Have One?


Gambling Addiction Problem - Do You Have One?

If you have a Gambling Addiction  Problem, it can affect every facet of your life. It can change your perception, strain relationships and interfere with your obligations and responsibilities.

Gambling Addiction Problem - Do You Have One?

Hello! David L. Here (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)
I can honestly tell you that I Gamble from time to time. Not as much as I used to but I still Gamble.  I also can tell you that I feel that Addiction when I am winning. It is a "Rush" just like any drink or drug that pleases your Endorphins or what people refer to as your "Pleasure Zone"

If I lived close to casino and had the extra money to gamble with, I can tell you that I would gamble and not let anyone tell me not to or get in my way, even if I had to take the bus!

I would have to say, in my opinion, that Gambling Addicts are not as recognized today and should be just like Addicts and Alcoholics.

If you feel like you have a problem gambling, Please get some sort of Treatment for Recovery !

You may think you can stop any time you want. However, you just can't seem to do it. Compulsive gambling is an addiction which can be successfully treated if you have the right help. Let me help you get your life back on track.

Understanding Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling

Pathological gambling is the clinical term for compulsive gambling. It's acknowledged in the DSM-IV as an Impulse Control trouble. Over time, it can definitely get worse and worse if you do not do anything about this.

If you are a Gambling Addict and know it you should get the help you need in Treatment Rehabs, Even if you can't find a Gambling Rehab anywhere near you, I would highly suggest you get into ANY Addiction program for and kind of

Treatment  because if you do not, eventually you can hit what is called "Rock Bottom" and for a Gambling Addict  and like all Addicts alike, we all are in the same category as Gambling Addiction,  whether you do Heroin or abuse prescription drugs or abuse alcohol, it can be devastating if you do not get some sort of Treatment.

Just like any other addict out there,  It can ruin your marriage, your family, your friends, your business and your life. You can actually become someone that you thought you never could.

Your thoughts change so easily and you become obsessed with the thought about gambling. You begin to chase your losses.
You disregard everything that's near and dear to you!

You don't want to become this person but you may feel like you are at the point where you have no choice. You think, just one more bet, just like one more drug or drink, the next bet can make everything better, my whole world can change with taking just one more chance.

Below is a Gambling Problem Forum That You Can Join For Free!

Here is the Link:

You don't have to suffer anymore because their is Treatment out there for Gambling Addiction.
Below are some Myths and Facts about Gambling Addiction 

Myths & Facts about Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling

MYTH: You have to gamble day-after-day to be a problem gambler.

FACT: A problem gambler may gamble frequently or infrequently. Gambling is an issue if it causes problems.

MYTH: Problem gambling isn't actually a problem if the gambler can afford it.

FACT: Problems caused by excessive gambling are not just financial. Too a great deal of time spent on gambling can lead to relationship failure and loss of significant friendly relationships.

MYTH: Collaborators of problem gamblers often drive problem gamblers to gamble.

FACT: Problem gamblers often excuse their behavior. Finding fault in others is 1 way to ward off taking responsibilities for their actions, including what is needed to overpower the problem.

MYTH: If a problem gambler works up a debt, you should help them take deal with of it.

FACT: quickly fixed solutions may appear to be the right thing to do. Nonetheless, bailing the gambler out of debt may actually make matters worse by enabling gambling troubles to carry on.

Do I have a gambling problem?


You may have a gambling problem if you:
*Feel the need to be secretive about your gambling.

*You might gamble in secret or lie about how much you gamble, feeling others will not interpret or that you'll surprise them with a handsome winnings.

*Have trouble controlling your gambling. Once you start gambling, can you walk away?

*Or are you compelled to gamble until you've spent your last dollar, upping your bets in a bid to win lost money back?

*Gamble even when you don't have the money. A red flag is when you're getting more and more desperate to recoup your losses.

 *You may gamble until you've spent your last dollar, and then move on to money you don't have- money to pay bills, credit cards, or things for your kids.

Y*ou may feel forced to borrow, sell, or even steal things for gambling money. It’s a vicious cycle. You may sincerely believe that gambling more money is the only way to win lost money back. But it only puts you further and further in the hole.

Family and friends are worried about you!

Denial keeps problem gambling going. If friends and family are worried, listen to them carefully. Take a hard look at how gambling is affecting your life.

It is not a sign of helplessness to call for for help. Numerous older gamblers are reluctant to reach out to their adult children if they have gambled away their inheritance. But it is never too late to make changes for the better.

Remember to visit this free forum for getting more advise from similar gambling addicts, I would if I were a Gambling Addict but it is up to you to make that change if you WANT TO CHANGE!!!!!

Click The Link Below to Join The Gambling Addition Forum:

Gambling Addiction Forum


Good Luck and Please Get the Help or Treatment You Need !

Thank You For Reading This Article! 

David L. (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Alcohol and Addictions Affect Family Members

Recovery treatment and rehabs

Hello there from David L. (Alcoholic/Drug Addict)
This article gives an example of what Addictions can do to you Family, loved ones and Friends.

The longer alcohol and drug abusers use their drugs of selection, the more high-risk their lives become. Until they're securely in Recovery or Rehab Treatment, this carries on in a downward spiral until they wind up in incarcerated, insane, or dead.

Securely” in Recovery stands for a working a platform or attendance of guidance systematically with numerous dedication. Many Individuals who merely turn up at A. A. or N. A. meetings, direction, or groupings are not inevitably committed to Recovery.

This is precisely  truthful for family members. Family members are struck by the expanded troubles that addiction makes. The alcohol and drug usage by the actual Addict are all  “intoxicants.”

This signifies that they employ and use substances knowing that they'll eventually become intoxicated – high or drunk or totally drugged up. Over a time period, numerous family members start out  experiencing emotions and feelings that leave them “elated to feeling just as high as the user” also. These emotions or feelings are called “Intoxicant Emotions."

They include pity, guilty conscience, resentment, self-pity, vexation, and angriness. These emotions literally “intoxicate” an individual  in this that they eventually alter the way somebody experiences when he or she indulges in them.

An “intoxicant emotion” such as shame often makes an individual to hide out, be secretive, experience depressed emotions , or are not able to rest and or have a good nights sleep.

This is alike in the way an alcoholic or a drug addict might experience when using or breaking away from his/her drug of option. Intoxicating personal feelings might arouse an individual or slow them down so that he or she can not function that well.

Occasionally these emotional states are equally irregular as those that bears upon the alcoholic or addict when he/she receives a drink or drug. Family members follow the equivalent downwardly spiral effect as an alcoholic or addict does.

There are four levels of family sickness prior to the family either “hits rock bottom" or moves into some sort of Recovery program or Treatment facility.

The 1st phase is the "Worry Stage"

This is the phase where family members are performing out of a true interest. They're only starting out to feel the effects of alcohol and drug abuse by a beloved. Family members at this phase have no thought of what they're up against.

The 2nd stage is the "defending  stage". This comes about after the “1st block out” where the family members have barricaded  the realism of the situation and are coming in and out of self-denial.

Drug Addicts and alcoholics frequently undergo “blackouts" or 100% memory loss which happens to be a time period when they have no remembering of consequences and events, typically while severely afflicted or during a time period of detaching themselves from heavy and grueling alcohol or drug use.

Once at this phase, families are literally obsessed with the addict’s or alcoholic’s demeanor.
They protect the alcoholic or drug addict by lying to other family members, employers, friends or loved ones (girlfriend or boyfriend)  or to others about there doings.

Though permitting the addict’s behavior, they feel progressively much more  responsible for the family problems. The consequence is that the alcoholic or drug addict's "blackouts" or "block out get increasingly more and more at an insane pace!

They can not recall all the damaging conduct of the addict and tend to downplay the outcomes. During this stage, family members try to change their own behavior to accommodate to the chemically drug-addicted or alcohol addicted individuals behavior.

 This is a vital stage that might cause family members to either become obsessed with the addict, or they might start out drinking or using drugs themselves.

Family members might try to become “the perfectible person” trusting that will make the addict/alcoholic pleased and alter his/her methods. It's during  this time that family members might begin to feel they're “losing their minds,” become abstracted, feel like they have turned into unsuccessful people, and require medical or mental healthcare.

They often give so very much to others that they have nothing left to take care of themselves. Next comes the Exhaustion stage, when family members guard their consumption of intoxicating emotions, just like the addict fights back their use of drugs or alcohol.

They lose their self-worth and go through serious anxiousness or depression. All excuses fail and fear rules their lives. They've arrived at their “bottom.” Exactly  as the addicts or alcoholics  arrive at their own bottoms.

Family members must decide that is is the right time to admit to the problem and recover, face insanity or death. They utterly can't go along with the way things are going. When they arrive at this period, family members must admit their problems and take on help that they need in dealing with them.

Just remember that you may be in pain with your usage or drinking and selfishly think that it's you and no one else going through the horrible experiences but you family and loved ones and friend who care about you are also experiencing probably the same emotions as well.

Thank You for reading this article!
David L. ( Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)