Heroin - How it Affects the Body
Heroin - How it Affects the Body during recovery
Hello, David L. here. (recovering addict)
I always try to remind every recovering person who reads my web site to understand that i am trying to cover as many addiction problems we face out their today. Not just drugs or alcohol (which are the same to me) but other addictions in the near future such as:
sex addiction, food addiction, shopping addiction and believe it or not, plastic surgery addiction. Now, Being that i am a recovering alcoholic/addict, I will mostly stick with topics that due the most harm to our bodies such as drugs/alcohol/food.
But in a later article i will write, just for informative reasons, it will be labled something like the "top 10 or 20 addictions in the world" . And you will be seriously amazed on what shit people are addicted to more often than you think.
Anyway, let us now talk about one of the Worlds most destructive drug ( I believe it is now 2nd from Meth ) called HEROIN !
Heroin is an opium derivative. Opium in its raw form is detected in the Asian opium poppy seed. The 1st uses of opium date from to earlier than 3000 B.C. believe it or not! Afterwards, morphine, from opium, started to be exploited. And then, in the later 19th century, heroin was modernized.
Heroin, synthesized from morphine, on the bizarre flip side was actually meant to be a non-addictive replacement for morphine.
Yeah right?
Nonetheless, later on after its initial departure into the populace, heroin was determined to be every bit or more addictive than morphine. How crazy is this? Well, I guess science has come a long way now since BC times!
Originally intended to alleviate pain and heal basic ailments such as the usual cough, heroin was soon discovered to be extremely habit-forming and induce its own health problems, including dying.
Heroin was banished in the United States. in the early 1900s as a publicly useable drug. However, heroin had become recognized for its euphoric highs and has since become one of the most popular and most habit-forming outlawed drugs on the street nowadays. And now, it seems most are just trying to Recovery from it!
Whether heroin is shot, sniffed, or smoked, it can be extremely addictive and pose severe health hazards. Heroin enters the brain as morphine and inheres in opioid sensory receptors at the brainstem responsible for vital functions such as breathing.
Frequently when a user passes away from a heroin o.d. It's because the body is so smothered that it literally tells the brain to forget how to breath and the person dies from respiratory failure.
Instantly accompanying the initial insertion of heroin into the body, a drug user might feel an amplified euphoric "Happy" state and a warm flush of weightiness before falling under flip-flopping states of sleep and wakeful awareness.
The more a person uses heroin, the higher his tolerance to the drug will become and the more of the drug he/she will demand to take to get high.
Numerous addicts say their tolerance has been built up so high and the drug has impacted them so profoundly that they often chase the drug and "just use it to feel somewhat normal again".. Not to mention not ever being able to reach the high they at one time felt when they 1st began using.
***Quick Note***
***When i would binge drink for weeks sometimes over a months everyday, i would also reach this phase "just to feel normal" except i would still vomit and never be able to eat. A very crazy phase you NEVER want to get into***
Every time a person uses heroin, even the 1st time, he's placing himself at risk. All it takes is once to o.d., get HIV or hepatitis from an infected needle or DIE! Habitual heroin use can cause grave health ramifications, which can also lead to death. Chronic users are at risk for organ diseases and life-sustaining organ failure, including the liver, heart, kidneys, and lungs.
Advanced heroin addiction treatment centers are now available with state of the art technology to address heroin addiction and its effects on the body in general. Advanced brain scan engineering science and consolidative programs of care can direct the physical, psychological, emotional, and neurological functions affected by the addiction.
Do Not Let Heroin Kill You ! Please Get Help!...
It is a really good read and i suggest you read it if you want to quit heroin!
Please leave any comments, suggesstions or ideas of what i can wrtie about. I need your help to keep this site alive and growing for all Recovering addicts out there in the world to have a place to come to for information!
Thank You,
Dave L. (Recovering Addict)
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